
This danger varies depending on the type of dust, the amount of dust inhaled, the size of the particles and how well your lungs can remove the dusts.
Inhaling dust over many years can cause:

  • Fibrosis (hardening of the lungs, making breathing difficult)
  • Cancer of the lung, abdomen and nose.
  • Even inhaling dust for a few days or months can cause nervous system effects and allergic reactions such as fever or more severe reactions such as asthma.

Identify controls

Prevent dusts from entering the air,

  • spray water on the workpiece before cutting, spilling material, etc.
  • spray water on the floor before sweeping. If wet sweeping is not possible, use a vacuum.
  • using a dust collector for tools or equipment if available.

Consider different ways of doing the job that will reduce the amount of dust created. For example, you could:

  • use low speed grinders instead of high speed ones
  • order blocks in multiple sizes to minimize the need for cutting
  • use pre-mixed cement or mortar
  • reduce the distance where material is dropped or thrown when dumping, or removing dusty materials
  • stand in opposition to the direction of the cloud of dusts.

Prevent dust build-up by cleaning the work area frequently during the shift using a wet sweeping method or a vacuum.

Wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking and at the end of your shift.

Ventilate the area when doing tasks that create dust. Also, keep other people away from the area when these tasks are being performed.

Use personal protective equipment when it is not possible to prevent dusts from becoming airborne. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the product collecting.

Conclusion – Dust

Demonstrate how to use dusts collection equipment on tools or machines.

Review company rules and procedures regarding respirators.

Review the information in the SDS with your team.

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