Taking care of the environment is everyone’s responsibility
23/01/2024 Leitura: 2 min
Caring for the environment is a shared responsibility for all of us. Raising awareness about the importance of this care doesn’t require difficult measures; it can start with personal, small, and routine actions that are […]

The Importance of Waste Recycling: Promoting a Sustainable Future
18/01/2024 Leitura: 4 min
In a world where we’re all buzzing about the planet’s well-being, trash recycling steps up as the superhero move to save our environment. It’s not just some cool thing to do; it’s the real deal […]

Sustainability: Exploring the Path to a Greener and Balanced Future
16/01/2024 Leitura: 3 min
Embarking on the journey of sustainability is all about innovation and responsibility. The starting point is awareness, a journey disseminated through education and information. There are various ways to promote sustainability, such as: Each of […]

Environmental Awareness: Preserving the Future of Our Planet
11/11/2023 Leitura: 7 min
Environmental awareness is an increasingly relevant topic in today’s society. As citizens of the world, it is our duty to understand the importance of preserving the environment to guarantee a sustainable future for our planet. […]

Selective Waste Collection: 11 Important Points for Environmental Preservation
04/11/2023 Leitura: 1 min
Selective garbage collection is a collection system that differs from conventional collection in the following aspects: 14 tips to prevent falling objects toolbox talk safety A preservation of the environment and Selective Waste Collection are […]

Sun Protection – Safety Talks
28/10/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Sun Protection – Safety Talks. At some point, we have all been sunburned. Sunburn is the effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin. Ultraviolet light falls on us every day. But now there is less protective ozone in the atmosphere and the risk of exposure has increased. UV rays […]

Firefighting Training
22/10/2023 Leitura: 3 min
Firefighting training is a critical skill in our society, with the potential to save lives, properties, and valuable resources. This training aims to provide fundamental knowledge on how to deal with fires safely and effectively. We will cover the basic principles of firefighting, safety equipment, extinguishing techniques, and prevention strategies. […]

How to Protect Yourself from Dust at Work – Safety Toolbox Talk
02/05/2023 Leitura: 1 min
This danger varies depending on the type of dust, the amount of dust inhaled, the size of the particles and how well your lungs can remove the dusts. Inhaling dust over many years can cause: […]

Unsafe Act and Unsafe Conditions: Learn to Identify and Prevent – Safety toolbox talk
20/02/2023 Leitura: 3 min
Unsafe act and unsafe conditions can exist in many places, and maybe you didn’t realize it, or because it has been there for a long time, the error has become normal and is no longer […]

Safety Toolbox Talk: Chainsaws
11/02/2023 Leitura: 3 min
A chain can become caught and stop suddenly. This causes the chainsaw to move in the opposite direction, towards the operator. The chain’s teeth remove small slivers of material at breakneck speeds. The chain’s sharp cutting blade allows it to trim 1/4-inch chips from material. Chainsaws can produce a loud […]