What is Healthy Food – Safety Toolbox Talk

28/01/2023 Leitura: 4 min

What is healthy food? Embracing production-based eating habits and incorporating healthy regional foods into daily diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These habits should be considered alongside the emotional and behavioral impact of […]

Keeping Fit – Safety ToolBox Talk

24/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min

When discussing workplace safety, few people ever consider keeping fit. People in good physical health have decreased chances of injury. Increased reaction times are an important consideration when thinking of the positive effects of working […]

Alcohol at work – Safety Toolbox Talk

23/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min

Alcohol is ingested in the form of a drink, such as beer or brandy, which passes through the digestive tract and into the small intestine. Once it’s absorbed, alcohol enters the body through the bloodstream. […]

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