Stop Rusting Your Life
Stop Rusting Your Life

Stop corroding your life by avoiding rusting.

Avoid risking your life at work by working from home.

A worker on the roof without a safety harness.

Staircases without handrails are used by the public.

People handling dangerous parts without protective gloves.

Ignore signs telling you to stay safe.

Avoid risking your life in traffic by using alternative routes.

Extremely fast vehicle passing another vehicle.

Not respecting crosswalks are a common issue.

Careening too near to the vehicle in front.

Not looking where they’re going as they walk.

A motorcyclist without a helmet on the road.

Someone preparing to exit the vehicle without assessing the approach of another car.

Children playing ball in the street.

Don’t put your life at home in danger.

Failing to properly use chemicals.

Leave pots on the stove with handles facing outward.

Toys scatter throughout the floor of the house.

Kids fly kites on the concrete slab.

People using fireworks, or other methods to generate noise, are seen in public places.

Accidents and deaths result from people harboring these, and other beliefs.
Taking preventative measures would eliminate many of the accidents that happen.

Safety Toolbox Talk: Five Reasons to Work Safely

Safety Toolbox Talk: Fall Protection — Basic Types

NOTE – Stop Rusting Your Life – Safety Toolbox Talk

Safety Talks are important HSE management tools, in addition, they have the function of instructing employees before starting their work activities.

IMPORTANT: The content is merely suggestive and designate for the reality of a theoretical service front. Thus, all Safety Talks are generic, so they must be adapted to the reality of the work fronts by the HSE professional (Safety, Environment, and Health) or leaders of the company or sectors. The responsibility of the Safety Talks is exclusively the person who will be carrying out the dialogue on the work fronts!!!

Safety Toolbox Talk


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