Construction workers are at risk of serious injury or death if they fall from great heights. This is the number one cause of construction accidents.
Because guardrails are the most commonly used fall prevention method, it’s common to see them on many websites. If guardrails aren’t an option, other methods of fall protection must be used instead.
Measures are in place to ensure a fall remains in place.
Two methods of fall protection exist. They’re called fall restraint and fall arrest. Both utilize a full body harness.
Travel restrictions are in place anywhere a traveler needs to go.
Adjustments to the lanyard and lifeline allow travelers to approach edges without protection. This is accomplished by using a travel restraint system that prevents proximity to an unprotected edge.
Don’t step on it.
A full body harness is worn with a travel restraint system that connects to a lifeline that is properly anchored or a lanyard that connects to a properly anchored lifeline.
A police officer apprehends a suspect during a fall.
You must use a safety harness if you’re at risk of falling; alternative means aren’t enough.
Over 3 meters in height.
When machinery is in use, this is indicated by a distinctive sound.
In liquid or water.
Caused by or relating to an object in danger or containing a harmful substance.
When incorporating a fall protection system, it’s essential to also employ a safety harness.
In addition to employees, the workers are:
Moving scaffolds on a wheeled cart move.
Performing a high-wire act on, from or off a scaffold, chair or platform suspended in midair.
A worker wearing a harness with an energy absorber stops falls safely by avoiding hitting the ground or any objects below. This fall protection system uses a lanyard with a full body harness attached.
A lanyard and energy buffer are connected to the device.
Anchor points or rope ties are recommended when using this tool.
A lifeline connected to a solid foundation.
Proper harness fit is important when using one for fall arrest. Some types of harnesses are equatable in different sizes, due to being adjustable on the entire body.
Basic types of fall protection include lanyards, harnesses and safety cables.
Ask workers if they’ve received site-specific WOH training in the last three years.
Train your workers how to attach, adjust and use a full body harness.
The chest strap should be tightened and positioned near the center of the chest; this may involve adjusting the buckles to lie between the armpits and the breastbone.
Pull the legstraps taut until one end fits snugly between the strap and the leg.
The D-shaped back ring should sit between the wearer’s shoulder blades.
Before employees begin working, they need to attend safety talks. This is important because it’s a tool used by the HSE management system.
Information provided is theoretical in nature and intended to represent the front of a theoretical service. Therefore, any Safety Talks must be generic and applied to the work fronts by the HSE professional (safety, the environment, and health) or company leaders. The Safety Talks must be held by the individual scheduled to perform the work.
Discussing chainsaws in the safety toolbox gives tips on how to operate them safely.
Safety Toolbox Talk: Chainsaws
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