Underground Utilities

Electricity and gas lines buried underground pose significant risk of grave injury and death.
Any broken wires, sewage or water damage is common caused by.

Digging without locating useful digging tools or with inaccurate locating of digging tools.

Digging into the site when utilities are marked and identified.

It’s imperative to alert others once a utility becomes visible.

Digging in the ground is halted by parities — not only those employed there but anyone else in the vicinity. This causes significant property damage and worker distress.

Utilities underground take care.

Before you release a call, you must first announce your presence.
Request that utilities find and identify their underground facilities, such as pipelines, water, electricity, cable TV and gas.
Utility companies typically provide a free service that involves locating and marking buried utilities with flags, paint or stakes. These markers indicate the approximate center of underground networks.
In addition to providing information about the specific work location, most utility apps provide a map showing their location. Note down all your locations while working so you don’t forget any of them.

Encouraging safety at home through Safety Talks.

When digging for the underground passage, only hand tools should be used. Avoid using heavy machinery to find the service.
Before digging up the buried utility, we need to contact the utility to make sure it’s okay to dig them up.
Assigning digging and excavation work to the utility ensures we don’t accidentally damage a fiber optic cable.
Once it’s clear the excavation will span multiple miles, equipment can be deployed.
Supplying items and supports are required so that laid lines don’t sag or break.
In case no specification is found in the contract for building materials, query the utility about what it needs.


Invite your city staff to a utility company for an underground service review with your team.
Digging up a site reveals blueprints for underground facilities.

Safety on Electric Networks – DDS

Before completing work-related activities, employees should attend safety talks. These talks help HSE management use tools.

This theoretical front’s content reflects the safety talk needs of the company. Therefore, all safety talks must be customized to fit the specific needs of each work environment. This is especially true for talks on health, the environment and front-line safety. Additionally, these talks must be adapted by professionals in these fields or leader of each sector. Before conducting Safety Talks, one must first enlist the assistance of a coworker.



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