Powerline Contact
10/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Power cords often lead to fatal accidents and serious injuries.Accidents involving heavy equipment such as excavators, dump trucks, boom trucks, cranes and excavators often occur.Know the movement of power cords and other ladders, pipes, scaffolding and siding before moving them. Each item should be handled carefully because of their weight. […]

Excavations and Trenches: Toolbox Talk Safety
09/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
In addition to trench diggers, many people on a given project aren’t directly involved with excavation — but they’re still cautious with excavation safety. If you observe someone in imminent danger, stop what you’re doing […]

How to Drive Defensively?
07/01/2023 Leitura: 3 min
Some people are unable to drive safely. They may multitask, such as texting or eating while driving, or engage in a side conversation. Some may even drive into another lane without paying attention.Aggressive drivers can create dangerous situations for themselves and other road users.Drivers can dangerously maneuver through traffic without […]

14 Tips to Prevent Falling Objects: Toolbox Talk
07/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Objects falling from the sky and striking people can cause severe industrial injuries and deaths. Many people are killed every year by objects falling from the sky. Some of these fallen objects are construction materials, […]

Electrical Safety at Home
06/01/2023 Leitura: 3 min
Touching a live wire typically causes an electrical current to zap the victim. This leads to electrocutions. The complications associated with this disease are often fatal if left untreated. Electrical hazards pose a known risk to the public, which is why electricians must receive safety training from their state. When […]

Scaffolding Safety – Planks and decks
05/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
A fall can lead to serious injury or death when boards fail on a scaffold. Causing insult to a scaffold by using boards can severely damage the structure.By mishandling tools or materials, you can injure […]

Electrical safety and Precautions
05/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
It’s dangerous to use electricity on site; especially when generators, cables or tools are involved. Electrical safety recommendations are listed below. Before you accept claims that electricity is not active, investigate all electrical equipment and materials.No one may modify electrical equipment or connect electrical wires.Expertise in a particular field is […]

Extension Ladder Safety
05/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Ladders are a common and dangerous form of access and egress. They can cause a significant amount of accidents due to their frequency. Make sure to pay attention to the details when using ladders. Make sure the ladder you choose is long enough to enable you to safely access your […]

Underground Utilities
04/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Electricity and gas lines buried underground pose significant risk of grave injury and death.Any broken wires, sewage or water damage is common caused by. Digging without locating useful digging tools or with inaccurate locating of digging tools. Digging into the site when utilities are marked and identified. It’s imperative to […]

Temporary Lighting – Electrical Hazard
03/01/2023 Leitura: 2 min
Electrical contractors have been shocked to death while installing temporary lighting.Electrical or mechanical shocks and electrical short circuits can result from loose insulation or disorganized wiring.When door frames made of steel close, their wires become […]